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Ancient, long-extinct floras and faunas can be reassembled through fossils and phylogenetics, and even palaeo-environments can be reconstructed with the aid of palaeoclimatology. However, very little is known about the sound-scape of the past. Of what kind were the first biologically meaningful sounds and vibrations ever emitted and perceived? The earliest signals in the history of life were probably produced by arthropods making use of the mechanical properties of their exoskeleton. Here, we report an observation of vibrational signalling in the coleorrhynchan Hackeriella veitchi, a representative of a Gondwanan relict insect lineage which is still extant in the Queensland rainforest. Our finding suggests that vibrational signalling by tymbal organs is ancestral for the Hemiptera (exclusive of Sternorrhyncha)--the song of the Coleorrhyncha was a likely element of the acoustic environment in the Permian moss forests and had possibly changed little since.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylcholine (PC, lecithin) has long been considered a solely eukaryotic membrane lipid. Only a minority of all bacteria is able to synthesize PC. The plant‐transforming bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens encodes two potential PC forming enzymes, a phospholipid N‐methyltransferase (PmtA) and a PC synthase (Pcs). We show that PC biosynthesis and tumour formation on Kalanchoë plants was impaired in the double mutant. The virulence defect was due to a complete lack of the type IV secretion machinery in the Agrobacterium PC mutant. Our results strongly suggest that PC in bacterial membranes is an important determinant for the establishment of host–microbe interactions.  相似文献   
The sea urchin egg has a rich history of contributions to our understanding of fundamental questions of egg activation at fertilization. Within seconds of sperm-egg interaction, calcium is released from the egg endoplasmic reticulum, launching the zygote into the mitotic cell cycle and the developmental program. The sequence of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome offers unique opportunities to apply functional genomic and proteomic approaches to investigate the repertoire and regulation of Ca(2+) signaling and homeostasis modules present in the egg and zygote. The sea urchin "calcium toolkit" as predicted by the genome is described. Emphasis is on the Ca(2+) signaling modules operating during egg activation, but the Ca(2+) signaling repertoire has ramifications for later developmental events and adult physiology as well. Presented here are the mechanisms that control the initial release of Ca(2+) at fertilization and additional signaling components predicted by the genome and found to be expressed and operating in eggs at fertilization. The initial release of Ca(2+) serves to coordinate egg activation, which is largely a phenomenon of post-translational modifications, especially dynamic protein phosphorylation. Functional proteomics can now be used to identify the phosphoproteome in general and specific kinase targets in particular. This approach is described along with findings to date. Key outstanding questions regarding the activation of the developmental program are framed in the context of what has been learned from the genome and how this knowledge can be applied to functional studies.  相似文献   
The detection of phase separation and identification of miscibility in biopolymer blends is an important aspect for the improvement of their physical properties. In this article, the phase separation in blends of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) with poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), respectively, has been studied as a function of the blend composition by FT-IR imaging spectroscopy. For both polymer blend systems, a miscibility gap has been found around the 50:50% (w/w) composition of the two components. Furthermore, the separating phases have been identified as blends of the two polymer components and their compositions could be determined from calibrations based on the spectra of the blends in the compositional range of miscibility. The data derived from FT-IR spectroscopic imaging were corroborated by additional DSC analyses and mechanical stress-strain measurements of polymer blend films, which exhibited a characteristic fracture behavior as a function of PHB composition.  相似文献   


Childhood lead exposure is a purported risk factor for antisocial behavior, but prior studies either relied on indirect measures of exposure or did not follow participants into adulthood to examine the relationship between lead exposure and criminal activity in young adults. The objective of this study was to determine if prenatal and childhood blood lead concentrations are associated with arrests for criminal offenses.

Methods and Findings

Pregnant women were recruited from four prenatal clinics in Cincinnati, Ohio if they resided in areas of the city with a high concentration of older, lead-contaminated housing. We studied 250 individuals, 19 to 24 y of age, out of 376 children who were recruited at birth between 1979 and 1984. Prenatal maternal blood lead concentrations were measured during the first or early second trimester of pregnancy. Childhood blood lead concentrations were measured on a quarterly and biannual basis through 6.5 y. Study participants were examined at an inner-city pediatric clinic and the Cincinnati Children''s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Total arrests and arrests for offenses involving violence were collected from official Hamilton County, Ohio criminal justice records. Main outcomes were the covariate-adjusted rate ratios (RR) for total arrests and arrests for violent crimes associated with each 5 μg/dl (0.24 μmol/l) increase in blood lead concentration. Adjusted total arrest rates were greater for each 5 μg/dl (0.24 μmol/l) increase in blood lead concentration: RR = 1.40 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07–1.85) for prenatal blood lead, 1.07 (95% CI 0.88–1.29) for average childhood blood lead, and 1.27 (95% CI 1.03–1.57) for 6-year blood lead. Adjusted arrest rates for violent crimes were also greater for each 5 μg/dl increase in blood lead: RR = 1.34 (95% CI 0.88–2.03) for prenatal blood lead, 1.30 (95% CI 1.03–1.64) for average childhood blood lead, and 1.48 (95% CI 1.15–1.89) for 6-year blood lead.


Prenatal and postnatal blood lead concentrations are associated with higher rates of total arrests and/or arrests for offenses involving violence. This is the first prospective study to demonstrate an association between developmental exposure to lead and adult criminal behavior.  相似文献   
In the Anthropocene, watershed chemical transport is increasingly dominated by novel combinations of elements, which are hydrologically linked together as ‘chemical cocktails.’ Chemical cocktails are novel because human activities greatly enhance elemental concentrations and their probability for biogeochemical interactions and shared transport along hydrologic flowpaths. A new chemical cocktail approach advances our ability to: trace contaminant mixtures in watersheds, develop chemical proxies with high-resolution sensor data, and manage multiple water quality problems. We explore the following questions: (1) Can we classify elemental transport in watersheds as chemical cocktails using a new approach? (2) What is the role of climate and land use in enhancing the formation and transport of chemical cocktails in watersheds? To address these questions, we first analyze trends in concentrations of carbon, nutrients, metals, and salts in fresh waters over 100 years. Next, we explore how climate and land use enhance the probability of formation of chemical cocktails of carbon, nutrients, metals, and salts. Ultimately, we classify transport of chemical cocktails based on solubility, mobility, reactivity, and dominant phases: (1) sieved chemical cocktails (e.g., particulate forms of nutrients, metals and organic matter); (2) filtered chemical cocktails (e.g., dissolved organic matter and associated metal complexes); (3) chromatographic chemical cocktails (e.g., ions eluted from soil exchange sites); and (4) reactive chemical cocktails (e.g., limiting nutrients and redox sensitive elements). Typically, contaminants are regulated and managed one element at a time, even though combinations of elements interact to influence many water quality problems such as toxicity to life, eutrophication, infrastructure corrosion, and water treatment. A chemical cocktail approach significantly expands evaluations of water quality signatures and impacts beyond single elements to mixtures. High-frequency sensor data (pH, specific conductance, turbidity, etc.) can serve as proxies for chemical cocktails and improve real-time analyses of water quality violations, identify regulatory needs, and track water quality recovery following storms and extreme climate events. Ultimately, a watershed chemical cocktail approach is necessary for effectively co-managing groups of contaminants and provides a more holistic approach for studying, monitoring, and managing water quality in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die elektronenmikroskopisch sichtbaren Veränderungen menschlicher endometrialer Drüsenzellen im Verlauf des menstruellen Zyklus werden beschrieben.In der Proliferationsphase zeichnen sich die Drüsenzellen durch reichliche Ergastoplasmamembranen und Paladegranula aus, besonders in den basalen Zytoplasmaanteilen. Daneben sieht man, fast ausschließlich supranukleär, zahlreiche Sekretgranula von etwa 0,7 Durchmesser, deren Zahl am Ende der Proliferationsphase ein Maximum erreicht. Außerdem findet man noch am basalen Kernpol ein Sekret, das aus einem elektronenoptisch schwach konturierten Material besteht und aus Glykogen sowie Glyk- ound Mucoproteiden aufgebaut ist. Gleichzeitig werden die hier liegenden Paladegranula und Ergastoplasmamembranen aufgelöst. Die hier liegenden Mitochondrien vergrößern sich auf ein Mehrfaches, die Zahl ihrer Cristae nimmt zu. Sobald die Sekretproduktion abgeschlossen ist, verkleinern sie sich wieder.Zur Zeit der mittleren Sekretionsphase ist dieses Sekret in das apikale Zytoplasma gewandert. Dabei verschwinden die in den vorangehenden Subphasen reichlich vorhandenen Mikrovilli weitgehend. Gegen Ende des menstruellen Zyklus erscheinen die Zellen durch Abstoßung der apikalen Zytoplasmateile im ganzen niedriger. Kurz vor der Desquamation lösen sie sich dann voneinander, wobei sich der Interzellularraum auf ein Mehrfaches verbreitert. Gleichzeitig treten im Zytoplasma Degenerationszeichen wie vakuoläre Umwandlungen von Mitochondrien, Ergastoplasmaräume und Golgizone auf. Außerdem verlieren die Zellorganellen ihre scharfen Konturen, und die bis dahin runden oder ovalen Zellkerne zeigen eine unregelmäßige, teilweise sogar gelappte Begrenzung.Die seitlichen Zellgrenzen verlaufen in den dem Drüsenlumen nahen Abschnitten gerade oder leicht gewunden und besitzen zahlreiche Desmosomen. Weiter basal hingegen weisen sie starke Verzahnungen mit den Naehbarzellen auf, wobei die Desmosomen nur noch sehr selten zu finden sind. Nach Abstoßung der Zellspitzen in der späten Sekretionsphase reicht die Verzahnungszone bis an das Drüsenlumen heran.Die Basalmembran der Drüsen ist zu Beginn des Zyklus relativ schmal (etwa 300 Å). Sie wächst dann in den späteren Subphasen weiter an und erreicht am Ende des Zyklus eine Dicke von etwa 800 Å.Neben den Drüsenzellen begegnet man hin und wieder in allen Subphasen cilientragenden Zellen (Flimmerzellen), die relativ arm an Zytoplasmaorganellen sind. Die Cilien besitzen den typischen Aufbau mit 9 auf einem Kreisbogen liegenden und einem zentralen Filament, die aus je 2 Subfilamenten bestehen.Außerdem sieht man mitunter zwischen den Drüsenzellen einen weiteren Zelltyp, der reich an Paladegranula und Ergastoplasmastrukturen ist. Art und Funktion dieser Zellen, bei denen es sich nicht um Wanderzellen wie Plasmazellen, Lympho- oder Leukozyten handelt, ist noch unklar.Herrn Prof. Dr. med. H. Siebke und Herrn Oberarzt Doz. Dr. Puck, Universitäts-Frauenklinik Bonn, danke ich für Überlassung des Untersuchungsgutes, Herrn Prof. Dr. med. Piekarski, Hygiene-Institut der Universität Bonn, für die Benutzung des Siemens-Elmiskops.  相似文献   
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